REALMS: Valdroon


It is said that a hundred years ago a war broke out between Clan Xaphamel and Clan VonNorell. It was then the Balmoren Clan split allegiances and a war waged for five decades, years with neither side gaining any territory. Devastation was apparent upon the realm. Stories said that a group of Druids summoned a creature known as ‘the Epitherian’ to bring balance back to the realm; to set right the sides of ‘Light’ and ‘Darkness’.

Elders say that the Epitherian met in what is now called ‘the wastelands’ - the two armies lining up on either side of the battlefield. But instead of the peace the Druids expected, the Epitherian demanded fealty - from everyone in Valroon - that day. History dictates that those that gave it were spared, rewarded with positions of leadership among the clans. Those that didn’t give their loyalty died there in the wastelands that day.

Even today, tensions are still high as the war is now a war of assassins and small skirmishes. Both sides know that if their armies take to the field, no side would be a victor and that the Eptherian would come again.


More coming soon!


Deep in the Balmoren Forest, it’s said that a an old oak, massive at it’s base, sits in the center. Those that have seen it say it’s alive, moving and breathing like any other being, with one side bathed in light and the other in the darkness. It’s said that this is the reason that the forest of the Balmoren is split into two courts; one lead by the Seelie King and the other lead by the Unseelie Queen.


Xaiphus, or more commonly known as ‘the Golden Coast’, is home to an island people. Xaiphians have made their home on on rocky shores and islands, making them a seafaring culture with buildings held aloft with tall columns and romanesque pillars built in to their architecture. While it’s said that Vitality originated in Xaiphus, some say the people that come from this region tend to be more blood thirsty and determined than it’s darker opposite. Perhaps that’s true - After all, for Clan Xathimael that makes their home here, the war is far from over.


Aptly named, the Barrens, are where the majority of the war in Valroon happened. Most of it is desolate and uninhabitable, but there are oasis like pockets of life throughout the crags and ruins. Many adventurers go to there to seek treasures from the days of fallen men. It is there that they encounter The Unbound: a group of superstitious humans said to be in service to the Epitherian. The Unbound believe that they have been charged with protecting the Barrens and can be reclusive towards the other Clans in Valdroon. They have been known to be seen in other realms, claiming they are on a mission for the Epitherian, while others claim they are awaiting orders.


Gonje Oritudoji


Murda Knightstalker