Details for Brands & Creators

  • What are the costs to participate?

    REGULAR BOOTH: 75 prims / li ($1,500 L)

    PREMIUM BOOTH: 150 prims / li ($3,000 L) (ONLY TWO SPOTS LEFT)

    VOLUNTEER/GROUP BOOTH: 50 prims / li (FREE : This is for groups like MachinimaMondays and the SLVC Groups to promote themselves)

  • What if I need more prims / li for my space?

    No worries! We know animesh is ‘li expensive’. Add that information to your registration so we can budget for your needs. (Be reasonable!)

  • We share ALL your links (& landmarks too!)

    In addition to providing booth space and prims / li to display your items, we will also display your sales advertisements on the event webpage, and share your logo/landmark/marketplace URL for your brand at the inworld event.

    We want to make it easy for shoppers to shop at the event, and then shop again and again at your store later on.

  • What are the dates that matter for creators?

    August 28th: A copy of item is due in the Vlogger room (I want to give our vloggers need a little more time to put something cool together.)

    August 28th: A promotional picture or video is due for website & social media promotion.

    August 28th to September 3rd: Booth Setup at the Region

    September 26th to September 30th: Booth clean up at the region.

  • What type of items are you looking to host at the shopping event?

    Things that Move (animesh that is rezzed out), Animated Wearables (pets, food, scooters, etc.), Vehicles (that you drive), Tools & Scripts, Animated Textures, Animations (NOT Poses), EEPs, PBR enabled items for set building (furniture, back drops, landscaping, etc.), Unique PBR enabled clothing & hair, and other ‘things that move’ or seem appropriate for this event

  • Do I have to have a new item to sell?

    Honestly? THIS is the event to sell that new item at - the shoppers we’re marketing to are looking for ways to take their movies and photography to a higher level. We hope you’ll take a risk and save a new creation release just for MachiniconSL2024.

    That being said - No, you don’t HAVE to have a new item to sell. If you sell items that are currently available at your store, we ask that you offer a MachiniconSL2024 exclusive discount.

  • Sign me up!