Gonje Oritudoji

  • Gonje is the adopted son to The Empress of Quan'Jin.

    Raised with access to everything a royal family has to offer, and driven with perfection in mind, Gonje grew up with Quan'Jinian loyalty and perfection as his only guideline.
    He is the youngest Illthari in the history of Quan' Jin and in addition to running many of his mother's corporations and designing top technological pieces, it's also rumored that Gonje is a member of the elusive order of the 'Nakasendo'.

    He's been sent to Ellislandia as an emissary by his mother on a mission of great importance.

  • Quan'Jin

  • Gonje is know to cast Illthratic magic to the highest degree. He holds the title of 'Illthari' - a master of Quantum, Transmutation, and Animation magics.

  • Gonje is a Namara. He appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!


Inviktus Drasik


REALMS: Valdroon