Olivette ‘of Char’bon’

  • Olivette is an adopted 'son' to the 'Duchy of Char'bon'. The late Duchess is said to have 'fallen in love' with the little orphan when visiting the lands of Arson on vacation, and brought the little boy home to live with the family.

    He grew up as a childhood friend to the Duke (though a good 10 years younger than the Duke himself), and attended the Adoni Academy growing up.

    His closest friend is Lizette, and in addition to 'questing' together, they look out for each other with day to day matters.

  • Olivette says he's 'from the Realm of Valroon' and the 'forests of Ques'Solia'.

  • Olivette is a caster of Terramancy in the Pyramid of Pneuma.

  • Olivette is a Terriken.

    They are larger than humans in all aspects with big animalistic horms. Though not known for their 'gifts with magic', they are very strong and make excellent warriors.

    Olivette is considered unusual that he casts magic as well as he does.

  • Coming soon!

  • Bio coming soon!


Edgar ‘The Physician’


Nina Namara