Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

The Whirlwind

It all begins with an idea.

  • Known simply as 'The Whirlwind', he has guarded the Eternal Empress for time immortal. He is her exclusive servant and bodyguard, completely devoted to her in every way.

  • Quan' Jin

  • Unknown

  • 'The Whirlwind' is a human.

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Diana ‘The End’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Diana 'The End' is an ancient and infamous namara. The is known for winning the Namarian Wars in Ellislandia.

    She's observant, distrustful, and protective. She's always seen with a large great dane she calls 'Gwidian' as well.

  • Diana is a Namara. She claims to be from another universe.

  • Diana is known for two things - her abilities as in famous practitioner of Cosmic magic and her ability to 'end' the lives of others.

  • Diana is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Lira ‘The Handmaiden’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Lira ' the Handmadien' works exclusively for the Duke Jean Phillipe.

    She is soft spoken, intelligent, and attentive.

  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Lira is a human.

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Romy Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Romy is Remy’s twin sister, and she arrived in Ellislandia as a Namara.

    She’s quick witted, loves ‘Earth pop culture’, and general good natured.

    Her skills lay in music, academics, and firearms.

  • Romy was born on Earth. She is a Namara.

  • …… Not yet! :) Stay tuned!

  • Romy is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Description text goes here
  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Remy Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Remy is Romy’s twin sister. Unlike her sister, she unfortunately arrived as a Namara to the realm of Valdroon - deep in the country of Koldroon. She's currently being used as currency in a trade with one of it's leaders, the Sha’Turn.

  • Remy is a Namara - she was born on Earth.

  • ........

  • Remy is a Namara.

    She appears as if she is human, but both her hair and eyes are purple.

    They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Inviktus Drasik

It all begins with an idea.

  • Inviktus is a mysterious Baron located on the outer edges of the Duchy of Pandean. He’s known for his humble demenor, curious and studious personality, and connection to the Kingdom of Abraxsus.

    He’s also known to be dear friends with Duke Jean-Phillipe Bouchard, having shared a room with him at the Adonai Academy when they attended school as boys.

  • Inviktus was born and raised in Ellislandia. His father was a Baron before him, all the way back for many generations.

  • Inviktus is a practitioner of something called ‘Void’. Not much is known of this specific type of power, but as he explained it it seems to be a type of ‘anti-magic’ that can be highly addictive and powerful.

    It is also know as 'the shadow' and 'the anomaly' in other magical circles.

  • Inviktus is a human.

  • Coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!

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Murda Knightstalker

It all begins with an idea.

  • Murda Nytestalker is a Koldroonian sha’zong’. While among the most ancient of beings in the dark Kingdom she hails from, she’s still young for her creature type.

    While working as a bounty hunter for her Clan, she some how became indebted to the Sha’Turn - loosing her phylactery to the entity in her travels. She now hunts the realms hand selecting the people he desires and brings them back to his lair.

  • Murda is from the Clan Nytestalkers and hails from the Kingdom of Koldroon in the realm of Valdroon.

  • She is a Master of Pneuma and specializes in necromancy and flesh crafting.

  • Sha’Zong: More commonly known as a ‘liche’ in modern turns. A very powerful undead being.

  • Coming Soon!

  • ...somebody had to do it :)

    Seriously, PLEASE go to the CASTING CALL! I only have so many voices haha


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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Edgar ‘The Physician’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Edgar is the closest friend and servant to Baron Inviktus Drasik. In addition to providing for his needs and the needs of his house, he also helps create the healing potions that Inviktus uses to keep himself well (should a need ever arise).

  • Edgar was born in Ellislandia. His father has served the Drasik line for as long as it has existed and he works to continue on the legacy.

  • Edgar does not seem to be a practitioner of magic.

  • Edgar is a human.

  • Coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!

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Olivette ‘of Char’bon’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Olivette is an adopted 'son' to the 'Duchy of Char'bon'. The late Duchess is said to have 'fallen in love' with the little orphan when visiting the lands of Arson on vacation, and brought the little boy home to live with the family.

    He grew up as a childhood friend to the Duke (though a good 10 years younger than the Duke himself), and attended the Adoni Academy growing up.

    His closest friend is Lizette, and in addition to 'questing' together, they look out for each other with day to day matters.

  • Olivette says he's 'from the Realm of Valroon' and the 'forests of Ques'Solia'.

  • Olivette is a caster of Terramancy in the Pyramid of Pneuma.

  • Olivette is a Terriken.

    They are larger than humans in all aspects with big animalistic horms. Though not known for their 'gifts with magic', they are very strong and make excellent warriors.

    Olivette is considered unusual that he casts magic as well as he does.

  • Coming soon!

  • Bio coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Nina Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Nina grew up in the southern part of the United States as a orphan in the foster care system. She arrived in the lands of Ellislandia as a Namara.

    She’s 10 years old and has typical 'farm skills' and can ride a horse. She was in 5th grade when she was 'namara-ed'.

    Her skills lay in archery and magic.

  • Romy was born on Earth. She is a Namara.

  • Nina is known to cast from the Pyramid of Pneuma. When she arrived, she was skilled naturally in Anthromoramancy.

  • Nina is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair.

    They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad random results), and are often plagued with mystical visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

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Sila NyteStalker

  • ‘Sila’ is a roguish assassin that was trained at the Silencia Syladeum (epic rouge academy) in the realm of Koldroon. She joined House NyteStalker - a clan of bounty hunters that scavenge the lands for their victims. As a reward for her service to her House, she was ‘granted the gift of eternal life’ by becoming a sha-zette (vampire).

    Her lover is Amarok, the werewolf, and she currently works in a small group of Nytestalkers under her commander, Murda.

  • The Kingdom of Koldroon in the realm of Valdroon.

  • Sila is a Pneuma caster.

  • Sila was a'night born' Volkara before she magically became a Sha-Zette (vampire).


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