REALMS: Ellislandia


Ellislandia is the largest and most influential of all the realms for one important reason; the Telluric Catalyst. Some call them ‘portals’ or ‘gateways’; others call them ‘ripples’. Regardless of their names, an opening appears throughout the year to different realms. People come and go through these ‘doorways’, giving Ellislandia unique access to other worlds they wouldn’t normally be able to interact with. This culturehas been centered around these catalysts, making the realm the convergence of all trade between the different worlds.

Politically, the realm is controlled by a ruling ‘Dual Monarchy’, the houses Athamos and Lyntagoes inter-marrying and trading off the title and power from one to the other throughout the centuries. The people have divided themselves in to castes known as ‘Stratums’, and they usually don’t break out of their station as is common with many caste like cultural systems.


The Aristocrats are the wealthiest and most power hungry of the Ellislandian cultural Stratums, almost always seeking to raise their political status and increase their fortunes. Due to their ownership of the land that everyone lives on, and their protection with the Military Stratum, Aristocrats spend their time not on the battlefields, but in the boardrooms and VIP areas of prominent places. They frequent affluent parties and make friends with people in power, helping to create political and military alliances from behind the scenes with a wealth of knowledge gained about their ‘friends and enemies’ through rumors. There is a saying among the Stratums: How do you know when to trust an Aristocrat? When the deal benefits them.


Ellislandia, unlike the other realms, has more ‘ancient ruins’ and ‘dark dungeons’ than other realms, making it ideal for Knights to quest for valuable items. Knights of the Military Stratum seek these objects for both themselves and the Houses they serve. In addition to seeking out these valuables, they provide protection to the house they have sworn loyalty to. These warriors may also seen completing in combat competitions throughout the year culminating in ‘The Tourney’, a massive display of talent used to name the ‘Champion of the Realm’. This contest of skill happens annually, and a new Champion is named every year.


Known affectionately as the ‘Scribes’, the Sectarian Stratum are the lawmakers, judges, bankers, accountants, librarians, and scholars of Ellislandia. Most of them are employed by their respective Houses, but others are educators and have chosen to establish and teach at Universities to further their knowledge. The Sectarians have created the only accredited system of learning, hold the most infamous libraries, have collected vast volumes of information, and have studied the cultures of the realms far more that any group of people anywhere. While the aristocrats ‘rule’ the realm of Ellislandia, is commonly known that the Sectarians run the day to day of most operations in the realm.


The Merchant Stratum run the Guilds of Ellislandia. These people are the workers that create and trade for goods. They are Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Masons, and Quartermasters. Those that don’t make the goods that are being sold, assist in the flow of materials, helping to get them where they need to go for the right profit on all sides. It’s commonly known that those that wish to practice their chosen trade inside the lands of Ellislandia are expected,legally, to own a trade workers card gained only through their respective guild belonging to that skill.


The Peasants are the backbone of the Ellislandia economy and are the workers of the realm. They plow the fields, serve as the maids in the manor houses of the elite, cook the dinners of their employers, and serve beer in the taverns. They are the hunters, fisherman, and stable boys; the unnamed cogs that keep the economy going.


A strange desert area known for ‘namaric artifacts’ that is situated on the edge of the Duchy of Cha’bon. This desolate spot is popular with the Knights of Ellislandia - and any adventurer looking for rare and ‘forbidden’ items.


REALMS: Quan’Jin


Dre Roth’Haseem