REALMS: Quan’Jin

From rituals as ancient as the earth that they walk on, to speeding hover cars flying overhead, Quan-Jin is a medley of culture with one central competent: Honor. The Dynasties that rule here exercise a code of ethics that focuses on family, regardless of whether their homes are nestled deep in the oceans or high above the clouds. Visitors agree that Quan-Jin is certainly the most dynamic of all of the realms, and with their ability to create golems and magical items, their armies are vast and endlessly obedient. It’s for this reason, it’s rumored that if all of the Dynasties of this realm ever banned together, no one could muster the defenses to stop their might.


Zai’chen (Chi-Chin)

All of the largest merchant houses are Zai’chen, and while they are located all over the realm and very widely known, what isn’t known is the location of their actual city, Yincang de Chengshi. With the Dynasty known for it’s mastering of Quantum Thaumaturgy, the house’s ability to teleport has made them infamous in their ability

to not only find the rarest goods, but they are uniquely suited to be able to transport goods long distances in small amounts of time. The Zai’chen are delvers and explorers, always seeking new locations to add to their ‘service area’, and representatives of the Zai’chen can be found in every major city in every realm. It’s for this reason (and their Thaumaturgical affiliation) that they don’t seem to have an issue traveling back and forth to their home city any time of the year.


The Kwong-Chong-Min Dynasty sits in the middle of the largest, most technologically advanced city in any realm. It’s layered from the ocean to the sky, with vehicles that move 360 degrees up massive skyscrapers. This Dynasty believes in technological advances for the sake of advancement, and while they love to show off all of their amazing creations, they tend to be secretive about sharing how it works or how it is created. It’s not uncommon to see stocks traded among massive corporations owned by cunning Kwong-Chong-Min or their buildings protected by the feared Nakasarii.


This Dynasty is considered more ‘traditional’. As a family, they tend to shy away from the technology that they feel has almost taken over their world. This is why they prefer their rustic homes deep within the jungles of the Jiyoon mountains. They have no major cities, only scattered villages throughout, and are often times sought out to ‘create’ rare and unusual items and resources. The Trinh only barter their services, as no currency exists among them, and their people are often times known to be proficient Alchemists, making the most of every resource that comes their way. It’s rumored that there is a faction among them that delves deep into the elemental amalgamations that borders on a dedication so fierce that it is almost religious.


The Nakasarii are the most feared of all of the Dynasties people of their combat prowess and military might. It’s for this reason that the Nakasarii are infamous throughout the realms. Though they have no Thaumaturgical affiliation, it is rumored that the Dynasty has Masters who are proficient in more than one Thaumaturgical Pyramid, giving the Nakasarii access to many different types of magic. They run a military academy called the Sha Gardeen that all Nakasarii are expected to attend at some point in their lives. It’s here where students are expected to pick a path: the path of the Ootaka (Warrior) or the path of the Asashin (Assassin).


REALMS: Sha’mem


REALMS: Ellislandia