REALMS: Sha’mem

The most amazing thing about this world is that most of its cities are in the sky. The inhabitants of Sha’men have used their mastery of gravitational magic (Force) to fully utilize every ounce of space this realm has to offer. Travel is done high above the surface of the ground in aircrafts, creating a since of technological advancement that seems to seep itself into the culture. The land remains untouched and it’s rumored that ancient ruins dot the landscape from cites far older than memory. Sha’mem is a realm of diverse cultures and modern conveniences, and while it’s never seen all out war, the biggest concern among most people are the dreaded Asar; sky pirates that plague the transportation lanes high above the clouds.


The Asar, the dreaded Sky Pirates of Sha’mem, are feared by everyone - even each other. If at any point they wished to take over the realm, they could - But it’s said their own greed keeps them attacking each other as much as others. Each Asaring ship considers itself a tribe, each with their own customs and goals. Slavery in most realms is frowned upon or simply illegal, but with Psionics existing in the Realms primary magic (Cosmic), it makes sense that Psionics and the simple practice of subjugation over the centuries created a different dynamic of ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’. The slave trade is why the Asar are masters of Psionics, coupled with their ability to ‘trade information’ from the minds of the captives they claim. As much as they are feared, they are notoriously good at what they do. As such, they are often hired as mercenaries for various tasks by wealthy families all over the realm. It’s been said that some Asar some have moved on to other realms, taking their airships with them, seeking their own glory and adventure.


Power, ferocity, and beauty: these are just some of the attributes of the infamous and incredibly wealthy Semal House. Sha’memians have a saying among the cities “No one can choose to be a Semal - they choose you.” That is, if you are a woman. If you are a male, then they buy you. Very few men can claim to be a ‘Semal’, as its a female organization that specializes in the protection and entertainment of others. They tend to own two types of businesses; personal security and the ‘night life’. They excel in music, theatre, dance and art and as such, the Semal women don’t often go out in public without their ‘combat slaves’ (Remember the men that were purchased?). They prefer to trade for their resources instead of buy them, and are found in many realms taking their talents and exotic nature to fill their coffers.


The Umar Shakeer are considered to outsiders as the only the ‘Merchant Lords of the Realm of Sha’mem’, but this doesn’t bother this clan. It’s true - most people would think that they are just trade specialists, but this would be a gross underestimation of the Umar Shakeer’s skills and goals. While it’s true that they pride themselves on finding the ‘good deal’, they also do all the other jobs in trade. They are the ‘muscle’ on the transports, the ‘research and design departments’ to come out with the newer-better product, and the ‘gears that keep the machine of the realm running’. The most powerful control the marketplaces, but as a whole, ther eis no telling how far their reach into Sha’memian society can go.


The tribe of the Rath Hassim are the only tribe to not move into the sky cites. They continue to live ‘in the olds ways’, moving between Oasis in the southern region of the Realm. The Rath Hassim do have some areas that have built structures, and as a group, they travel to these three locations once every year. Augury magic has a heavy influence on their culture, with is why it’s rumored that each location is said to represent the past, present and future. It’s also said that the Rath Hassim ‘do nothing unless the fates will it’. As such, it is not uncommon to see Rath Hassim in other realms and when asked they they are so far from home, they may say simply “Masar Masir” or ‘Fates’ Path’.


Romy Namara


REALMS: Quan’Jin