Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Surza Fabian’gal

It all begins with an idea.

  • Surza Fabian’gal is the third child of the former Archmage of Ellislandia, Darius Fabien’gal Sr.

    His brother, Darious Jr, is the current Archmage of the Kingdom and his father teaches at the illustrious Adonai Academy, educating young people how to be the leaders of Ellislandia in the future.

    It’s common knowledge that Surza never planned to be a war wizard; those that went to school with him remember him when he was young, simply enjoying animals and nature so he could one day be a peaceful Druid.

    However, while at the Academy, a tragedy happened ending with the death of many of his friends and the love of his life.

    Since that day, he dedicated himself to the art of war and has become one of the most feared War Wizards in all Ellislandia.

    He was the first to obtain the rare Black Writ- a letter signed by his Duke and the King allowing him to cast the forbidden magic of Annihilation.

    As a Master of the Pneuma pyramid, he worked with Duke Jean Phillip to create the Order of the Green Knights; an elite group of warriors trained in both battle, magic, and the ability to turn into animals that serves the Duchy of Charbon.

  • Ellislandia

  • Surza is a known Master of Pneuma; he casts all of the magical schools inside the Pyramid of Life, Death, and Nature.

  • Surza is a ‘day born’ Volkara.

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Dimitri Folshea

It all begins with an idea.

  • Dimitri Folshea is the son of of a Koldroonian Countess. It’s also rumored he was created using ‘forbidden magic’.

    He was intended to be Koldroon’s greatest weapon, and his mother quickly learned her had the heart of a pacifist.

    While not known among Ellislandian society, Dimitri is also the brother to Lilith ‘Worthington’ Folshea.

  • Jean Phillipe was born and raised in Koldroon, on the Realm of Valdroon.

  • Dimitri is known as a ‘magical anomaly’.

  • Dimitri is a Volkara.

  • More info coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Duke Jean Phillipe of Char’bon

It all begins with an idea.

  • Jean Phillipe is the only surviving member of the immediate Char’bon line.

    He’s known as the most progressive and creative of the Dukes - both recruiting and creating the ‘Green Knights’ - a force of animalistic warriors that are used to enforce the Duchy’s laws and provide protection to it’s citizens.

    His Duchy is wealthy, the people are happy, it’s abundant with food and vineyards, and the architecture holds an elegant Baroque flair to it’s manor houses and villages. It’s widely accepted that he is an impeccable ruler.

    He is also known to be a bit of a ‘playboy’, having no real interest in settling down or having children. His best friend is Lilith Worthington and enjoys hosting elaborate parties in his spare time..

  • Jean Phillipe was born and raised in Ellislandia, in the Duchy of Cha’bon.

  • Jean Phillipe is a Cosmic caster, and is known among high circles as so skilled at the art, that he’s established himself as the ‘Scribe’ reprsentative of his Duchy. He’s particularly skilled in Mind Magic.

  • Jean Phillipe is a human.

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The Whirlwind

It all begins with an idea.

  • Known simply as 'The Whirlwind', he has guarded the Eternal Empress for time immortal. He is her exclusive servant and bodyguard, completely devoted to her in every way.

  • Quan' Jin

  • Unknown

  • 'The Whirlwind' is a human.

  • Coming soon!

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Diana ‘The End’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Diana 'The End' is an ancient and infamous namara. The is known for winning the Namarian Wars in Ellislandia.

    She's observant, distrustful, and protective. She's always seen with a large great dane she calls 'Gwidian' as well.

  • Diana is a Namara. She claims to be from another universe.

  • Diana is known for two things - her abilities as in famous practitioner of Cosmic magic and her ability to 'end' the lives of others.

  • Diana is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

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Lira ‘The Handmaiden’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Lira ' the Handmadien' works exclusively for the Duke Jean Phillipe.

    She is soft spoken, intelligent, and attentive.

  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Lira is a human.

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Romy Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Romy is Remy’s twin sister, and she arrived in Ellislandia as a Namara.

    She’s quick witted, loves ‘Earth pop culture’, and general good natured.

    Her skills lay in music, academics, and firearms.

  • Romy was born on Earth. She is a Namara.

  • …… Not yet! :) Stay tuned!

  • Romy is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Description text goes here
  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

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Realms Feorie Frimon Realms Feorie Frimon

REALMS: Sha’mem

A steampunk city flaoting in the sky with lots of flying machines around.

The most amazing thing about this world is that most of its cities are in the sky. The inhabitants of Sha’men have used their mastery of gravitational magic (Force) to fully utilize every ounce of space this realm has to offer. Travel is done high above the surface of the ground in aircrafts, creating a since of technological advancement that seems to seep itself into the culture. The land remains untouched and it’s rumored that ancient ruins dot the landscape from cites far older than memory. Sha’mem is a realm of diverse cultures and modern conveniences, and while it’s never seen all out war, the biggest concern among most people are the dreaded Asar; sky pirates that plague the transportation lanes high above the clouds.


The Asar, the dreaded Sky Pirates of Sha’mem, are feared by everyone - even each other. If at any point they wished to take over the realm, they could - But it’s said their own greed keeps them attacking each other as much as others. Each Asaring ship considers itself a tribe, each with their own customs and goals. Slavery in most realms is frowned upon or simply illegal, but with Psionics existing in the Realms primary magic (Cosmic), it makes sense that Psionics and the simple practice of subjugation over the centuries created a different dynamic of ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’. The slave trade is why the Asar are masters of Psionics, coupled with their ability to ‘trade information’ from the minds of the captives they claim. As much as they are feared, they are notoriously good at what they do. As such, they are often hired as mercenaries for various tasks by wealthy families all over the realm. It’s been said that some Asar some have moved on to other realms, taking their airships with them, seeking their own glory and adventure.


Power, ferocity, and beauty: these are just some of the attributes of the infamous and incredibly wealthy Semal House. Sha’memians have a saying among the cities “No one can choose to be a Semal - they choose you.” That is, if you are a woman. If you are a male, then they buy you. Very few men can claim to be a ‘Semal’, as its a female organization that specializes in the protection and entertainment of others. They tend to own two types of businesses; personal security and the ‘night life’. They excel in music, theatre, dance and art and as such, the Semal women don’t often go out in public without their ‘combat slaves’ (Remember the men that were purchased?). They prefer to trade for their resources instead of buy them, and are found in many realms taking their talents and exotic nature to fill their coffers.


The Umar Shakeer are considered to outsiders as the only the ‘Merchant Lords of the Realm of Sha’mem’, but this doesn’t bother this clan. It’s true - most people would think that they are just trade specialists, but this would be a gross underestimation of the Umar Shakeer’s skills and goals. While it’s true that they pride themselves on finding the ‘good deal’, they also do all the other jobs in trade. They are the ‘muscle’ on the transports, the ‘research and design departments’ to come out with the newer-better product, and the ‘gears that keep the machine of the realm running’. The most powerful control the marketplaces, but as a whole, ther eis no telling how far their reach into Sha’memian society can go.


The tribe of the Rath Hassim are the only tribe to not move into the sky cites. They continue to live ‘in the olds ways’, moving between Oasis in the southern region of the Realm. The Rath Hassim do have some areas that have built structures, and as a group, they travel to these three locations once every year. Augury magic has a heavy influence on their culture, with is why it’s rumored that each location is said to represent the past, present and future. It’s also said that the Rath Hassim ‘do nothing unless the fates will it’. As such, it is not uncommon to see Rath Hassim in other realms and when asked they they are so far from home, they may say simply “Masar Masir” or ‘Fates’ Path’.

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Realms Feorie Frimon Realms Feorie Frimon

REALMS: Quan’Jin

From rituals as ancient as the earth that they walk on, to speeding hover cars flying overhead, Quan-Jin is a medley of culture with one central competent: Honor. The Dynasties that rule here exercise a code of ethics that focuses on family, regardless of whether their homes are nestled deep in the oceans or high above the clouds. Visitors agree that Quan-Jin is certainly the most dynamic of all of the realms, and with their ability to create golems and magical items, their armies are vast and endlessly obedient. It’s for this reason, it’s rumored that if all of the Dynasties of this realm ever banned together, no one could muster the defenses to stop their might.


Zai’chen (Chi-Chin)

All of the largest merchant houses are Zai’chen, and while they are located all over the realm and very widely known, what isn’t known is the location of their actual city, Yincang de Chengshi. With the Dynasty known for it’s mastering of Quantum Thaumaturgy, the house’s ability to teleport has made them infamous in their ability

to not only find the rarest goods, but they are uniquely suited to be able to transport goods long distances in small amounts of time. The Zai’chen are delvers and explorers, always seeking new locations to add to their ‘service area’, and representatives of the Zai’chen can be found in every major city in every realm. It’s for this reason (and their Thaumaturgical affiliation) that they don’t seem to have an issue traveling back and forth to their home city any time of the year.


The Kwong-Chong-Min Dynasty sits in the middle of the largest, most technologically advanced city in any realm. It’s layered from the ocean to the sky, with vehicles that move 360 degrees up massive skyscrapers. This Dynasty believes in technological advances for the sake of advancement, and while they love to show off all of their amazing creations, they tend to be secretive about sharing how it works or how it is created. It’s not uncommon to see stocks traded among massive corporations owned by cunning Kwong-Chong-Min or their buildings protected by the feared Nakasarii.


This Dynasty is considered more ‘traditional’. As a family, they tend to shy away from the technology that they feel has almost taken over their world. This is why they prefer their rustic homes deep within the jungles of the Jiyoon mountains. They have no major cities, only scattered villages throughout, and are often times sought out to ‘create’ rare and unusual items and resources. The Trinh only barter their services, as no currency exists among them, and their people are often times known to be proficient Alchemists, making the most of every resource that comes their way. It’s rumored that there is a faction among them that delves deep into the elemental amalgamations that borders on a dedication so fierce that it is almost religious.


The Nakasarii are the most feared of all of the Dynasties people of their combat prowess and military might. It’s for this reason that the Nakasarii are infamous throughout the realms. Though they have no Thaumaturgical affiliation, it is rumored that the Dynasty has Masters who are proficient in more than one Thaumaturgical Pyramid, giving the Nakasarii access to many different types of magic. They run a military academy called the Sha Gardeen that all Nakasarii are expected to attend at some point in their lives. It’s here where students are expected to pick a path: the path of the Ootaka (Warrior) or the path of the Asashin (Assassin).

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Realms Feorie Frimon Realms Feorie Frimon

REALMS: Ellislandia


Ellislandia is the largest and most influential of all the realms for one important reason; the Telluric Catalyst. Some call them ‘portals’ or ‘gateways’; others call them ‘ripples’. Regardless of their names, an opening appears throughout the year to different realms. People come and go through these ‘doorways’, giving Ellislandia unique access to other worlds they wouldn’t normally be able to interact with. This culturehas been centered around these catalysts, making the realm the convergence of all trade between the different worlds.

Politically, the realm is controlled by a ruling ‘Dual Monarchy’, the houses Athamos and Lyntagoes inter-marrying and trading off the title and power from one to the other throughout the centuries. The people have divided themselves in to castes known as ‘Stratums’, and they usually don’t break out of their station as is common with many caste like cultural systems.


The Aristocrats are the wealthiest and most power hungry of the Ellislandian cultural Stratums, almost always seeking to raise their political status and increase their fortunes. Due to their ownership of the land that everyone lives on, and their protection with the Military Stratum, Aristocrats spend their time not on the battlefields, but in the boardrooms and VIP areas of prominent places. They frequent affluent parties and make friends with people in power, helping to create political and military alliances from behind the scenes with a wealth of knowledge gained about their ‘friends and enemies’ through rumors. There is a saying among the Stratums: How do you know when to trust an Aristocrat? When the deal benefits them.


Ellislandia, unlike the other realms, has more ‘ancient ruins’ and ‘dark dungeons’ than other realms, making it ideal for Knights to quest for valuable items. Knights of the Military Stratum seek these objects for both themselves and the Houses they serve. In addition to seeking out these valuables, they provide protection to the house they have sworn loyalty to. These warriors may also seen completing in combat competitions throughout the year culminating in ‘The Tourney’, a massive display of talent used to name the ‘Champion of the Realm’. This contest of skill happens annually, and a new Champion is named every year.


Known affectionately as the ‘Scribes’, the Sectarian Stratum are the lawmakers, judges, bankers, accountants, librarians, and scholars of Ellislandia. Most of them are employed by their respective Houses, but others are educators and have chosen to establish and teach at Universities to further their knowledge. The Sectarians have created the only accredited system of learning, hold the most infamous libraries, have collected vast volumes of information, and have studied the cultures of the realms far more that any group of people anywhere. While the aristocrats ‘rule’ the realm of Ellislandia, is commonly known that the Sectarians run the day to day of most operations in the realm.


The Merchant Stratum run the Guilds of Ellislandia. These people are the workers that create and trade for goods. They are Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Masons, and Quartermasters. Those that don’t make the goods that are being sold, assist in the flow of materials, helping to get them where they need to go for the right profit on all sides. It’s commonly known that those that wish to practice their chosen trade inside the lands of Ellislandia are expected,legally, to own a trade workers card gained only through their respective guild belonging to that skill.


The Peasants are the backbone of the Ellislandia economy and are the workers of the realm. They plow the fields, serve as the maids in the manor houses of the elite, cook the dinners of their employers, and serve beer in the taverns. They are the hunters, fisherman, and stable boys; the unnamed cogs that keep the economy going.


A strange desert area known for ‘namaric artifacts’ that is situated on the edge of the Duchy of Cha’bon. This desolate spot is popular with the Knights of Ellislandia - and any adventurer looking for rare and ‘forbidden’ items.

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Dre Roth’Haseem

It all begins with an idea.

  • Dre comes from a religious tribe in the deserts of Sha Mem called the Roth Ha-shim. Of their many beliefs, Namara are thought to be destined to save the world.

    The Roth Ha-shim believe they are to help them find their way and act as a guide to do whatever it is the Namara feels they should do. Religiously, they do not believe in random events, but more that everything is part of a greater weave that the fates have set in order.

    His highest skill sets are in the espionage arena. He speaks most languages and loves to create ‘personas’ to make it easier to blend into the areas he spends his time.

  • Dre was born in Sha’mem to a tribe he describes as the Roth’Haseem. The title he held there was know as the ‘water bearer’.

  • Dre is know to cast Cosmic magic - He alludes to being extremely skilled at it.

  • Hydrokeen: An extremely rare species commonly mistaken as humans who are short in size. As they age, scales become more visible on their skin. Their average lifespan is unknown.

  • Coming soon!

  • EYES:

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Lillith Worthington

It all begins with an idea.

  • Lilith is a Koldroonian. She’s posing as an Ellislandian noble, ‘Lilith Worthington’, not because she’s doing anything particular bad, but because she’s trying to escape a terrible past.

    She loves magic, fashion, men, women, and pretty much anything that could be considered scandalous, fabulous, or naughty.

    She’s older than many of her Ellislandian ‘peers’, and because of that, she doesn’t seem to care much that the human’s dislike her. Her dearest friend is Dre, her 'Spy Master', and her closest political alliance is Duke Jean Phillipe Bouchard.

    Lilith is beautiful, fun, smart, and yes - a bit ‘extra’.

  • Lilith was born in Koldroon, but is posing as a noble born in Ellislandia.

  • Lilith is known to be a caster of Pneuma. She carries a ‘black writ’, meaning she has been legally given the ability to cast ‘the dark magics’ in the Pneuma pyramid.

    It's not publicly known, but Lilith is also a Cosmic caster - one of the few mages in the series that has multiple magical pyramids. Only her closest friends even know she has the skill.

  • Lilith is a ‘night-born’ Volkara; this means that being active during the day is difficult for her - the heat, the bright sun, etc. Lilith prefers 'the night life' - literally.

  • Coming soon!

  • Bio coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Remy Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Remy is Romy’s twin sister. Unlike her sister, she unfortunately arrived as a Namara to the realm of Valdroon - deep in the country of Koldroon. She's currently being used as currency in a trade with one of it's leaders, the Sha’Turn.

  • Remy is a Namara - she was born on Earth.

  • ........

  • Remy is a Namara.

    She appears as if she is human, but both her hair and eyes are purple.

    They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

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Bios Feorie Frimon Bios Feorie Frimon

Inviktus Drasik

It all begins with an idea.

  • Inviktus is a mysterious Baron located on the outer edges of the Duchy of Pandean. He’s known for his humble demenor, curious and studious personality, and connection to the Kingdom of Abraxsus.

    He’s also known to be dear friends with Duke Jean-Phillipe Bouchard, having shared a room with him at the Adonai Academy when they attended school as boys.

  • Inviktus was born and raised in Ellislandia. His father was a Baron before him, all the way back for many generations.

  • Inviktus is a practitioner of something called ‘Void’. Not much is known of this specific type of power, but as he explained it it seems to be a type of ‘anti-magic’ that can be highly addictive and powerful.

    It is also know as 'the shadow' and 'the anomaly' in other magical circles.

  • Inviktus is a human.

  • Coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!

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Gonje Oritudoji

It all begins with an idea.

  • Gonje is the adopted son to The Empress of Quan'Jin.

    Raised with access to everything a royal family has to offer, and driven with perfection in mind, Gonje grew up with Quan'Jinian loyalty and perfection as his only guideline.
    He is the youngest Illthari in the history of Quan' Jin and in addition to running many of his mother's corporations and designing top technological pieces, it's also rumored that Gonje is a member of the elusive order of the 'Nakasendo'.

    He's been sent to Ellislandia as an emissary by his mother on a mission of great importance.

  • Quan'Jin

  • Gonje is know to cast Illthratic magic to the highest degree. He holds the title of 'Illthari' - a master of Quantum, Transmutation, and Animation magics.

  • Gonje is a Namara. He appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair. They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad), and are often plagued with visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

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Realms Feorie Frimon Realms Feorie Frimon

REALMS: Valdroon


It is said that a hundred years ago a war broke out between Clan Xaphamel and Clan VonNorell. It was then the Balmoren Clan split allegiances and a war waged for five decades, years with neither side gaining any territory. Devastation was apparent upon the realm. Stories said that a group of Druids summoned a creature known as ‘the Epitherian’ to bring balance back to the realm; to set right the sides of ‘Light’ and ‘Darkness’.

Elders say that the Epitherian met in what is now called ‘the wastelands’ - the two armies lining up on either side of the battlefield. But instead of the peace the Druids expected, the Epitherian demanded fealty - from everyone in Valroon - that day. History dictates that those that gave it were spared, rewarded with positions of leadership among the clans. Those that didn’t give their loyalty died there in the wastelands that day.

Even today, tensions are still high as the war is now a war of assassins and small skirmishes. Both sides know that if their armies take to the field, no side would be a victor and that the Eptherian would come again.


More coming soon!


Deep in the Balmoren Forest, it’s said that a an old oak, massive at it’s base, sits in the center. Those that have seen it say it’s alive, moving and breathing like any other being, with one side bathed in light and the other in the darkness. It’s said that this is the reason that the forest of the Balmoren is split into two courts; one lead by the Seelie King and the other lead by the Unseelie Queen.


Xaiphus, or more commonly known as ‘the Golden Coast’, is home to an island people. Xaiphians have made their home on on rocky shores and islands, making them a seafaring culture with buildings held aloft with tall columns and romanesque pillars built in to their architecture. While it’s said that Vitality originated in Xaiphus, some say the people that come from this region tend to be more blood thirsty and determined than it’s darker opposite. Perhaps that’s true - After all, for Clan Xathimael that makes their home here, the war is far from over.


Aptly named, the Barrens, are where the majority of the war in Valroon happened. Most of it is desolate and uninhabitable, but there are oasis like pockets of life throughout the crags and ruins. Many adventurers go to there to seek treasures from the days of fallen men. It is there that they encounter The Unbound: a group of superstitious humans said to be in service to the Epitherian. The Unbound believe that they have been charged with protecting the Barrens and can be reclusive towards the other Clans in Valdroon. They have been known to be seen in other realms, claiming they are on a mission for the Epitherian, while others claim they are awaiting orders.

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Murda Knightstalker

It all begins with an idea.

  • Murda Nytestalker is a Koldroonian sha’zong’. While among the most ancient of beings in the dark Kingdom she hails from, she’s still young for her creature type.

    While working as a bounty hunter for her Clan, she some how became indebted to the Sha’Turn - loosing her phylactery to the entity in her travels. She now hunts the realms hand selecting the people he desires and brings them back to his lair.

  • Murda is from the Clan Nytestalkers and hails from the Kingdom of Koldroon in the realm of Valdroon.

  • She is a Master of Pneuma and specializes in necromancy and flesh crafting.

  • Sha’Zong: More commonly known as a ‘liche’ in modern turns. A very powerful undead being.

  • Coming Soon!

  • ...somebody had to do it :)

    Seriously, PLEASE go to the CASTING CALL! I only have so many voices haha


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Edgar ‘The Physician’

It all begins with an idea.

  • Edgar is the closest friend and servant to Baron Inviktus Drasik. In addition to providing for his needs and the needs of his house, he also helps create the healing potions that Inviktus uses to keep himself well (should a need ever arise).

  • Edgar was born in Ellislandia. His father has served the Drasik line for as long as it has existed and he works to continue on the legacy.

  • Edgar does not seem to be a practitioner of magic.

  • Edgar is a human.

  • Coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!

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Sir Olivette Bouchard

It all begins with an idea.

  • Olivette is an adopted 'son' to the 'Duchy of Char'bon'. The late Duchess is said to have 'fallen in love' with the little orphan when visiting the lands of Arson on vacation, and brought the little boy home to live with the family.

    He grew up as a childhood friend to the Duke (though a good 10 years younger than the Duke himself), and attended the Adoni Academy growing up.

    His closest friend is Lizette, and in addition to 'questing' together, they look out for each other with day to day matters.

  • Olivette says he's 'from the Realm of Valroon' and the 'forests of Ques'Solia'.

  • Olivette is a caster of Terramancy in the Pyramid of Pneuma.

  • Olivette is a Terriken.

    They are larger than humans in all aspects with big animalistic horms. Though not known for their 'gifts with magic', they are very strong and make excellent warriors.

    Olivette is considered unusual that he casts magic as well as he does.

  • Coming soon!

  • Bio coming soon!

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Nina Namara

It all begins with an idea.

  • Nina grew up in the southern part of the United States as a orphan in the foster care system. She arrived in the lands of Ellislandia as a Namara.

    She’s 10 years old and has typical 'farm skills' and can ride a horse. She was in 5th grade when she was 'namara-ed'.

    Her skills lay in archery and magic.

  • Romy was born on Earth. She is a Namara.

  • Nina is known to cast from the Pyramid of Pneuma. When she arrived, she was skilled naturally in Anthromoramancy.

  • Nina is a Namara. She appears human, but with purple eyes and purple hair.

    They are known to have 'flux affects' when casting magical rituals (both good and bad random results), and are often plagued with mystical visions through out their life.

  • Coming soon!

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